Saturday, September 18, 2010

The essense of Rosicruution order (AMORC) commemorating pyramids of Gizeh yearly in september.

The symbolism are numerous but before i tell yout that let us know what Rosicrucian order is ,is a worldwide Educational, cultural and mystical organisation of men and women, devoted to the study and practical application of natural and spiritual laws, for the attainment of personal health,happiness,peace profound,and the devolopment of a better society and for benefit of mankind and for the glory of God.

Symbolism of the great pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt is to remember the work of past masters who preserved the knowledge and which is being handed down to us.when the old mystics of the order left the Atlantics because of Atlantics they landed in Egypt and met with the Royal father of the land they share their knowledge about one God the Royal father Alknaton remembered that the worship many gods from there the beleive one God.

I now enumerate the symbolism: #1 is associated with Royal fathers,#2 constructed about 5000 year ago,
#3 they partner with Gizeh,
#4 they set up mystery schools after meeting with Royal fathers,
#5 they did not allow the knoweldge to perish,
#6 they led to building of the pyramid
#7 we owe them gratitude for whetever you find them to have done,
#8 for museum ,for research purposes,they impact this knowledge to us similar to Isaiah 19 v19-22 ,
#9 for past life and prediction ,pyramid is called temple of the Army,
#10 located at center of the Egypt at land surface of the earth,
#11 height,H.Spence lewis describe it as source of number days of the year,365days when you add ,multiply the sides. mesurement rested on square,imaginable,

All in all ,the more you study the pyramid the more you know,thank you for reading.