Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Temperance and moderation have common meaning that is keeping within due bounds,not excessive.

If one would make the most of life he must be moderate in the use of all things.it is the application of reason to all the acts of life. It is the highest and best form of life that one can attain. It leads not only to the greatest happiness,but also to honor and positions.By abstaning from most things it is surprising how many things we enjoy.

To establish thoroughly and widely the principles temperance we must begin with the youth.They have a high aspiration to be good and true.They see a glory in the path of right.Freedom is a word of power in their ears.Virtue has many charms not only their hearts,but for their imaginations.They have health,competency,and happiness.They are ambitious in every good. When the true principles of temperance are established in early life and made the controlling power through life, they insure health freedom from pain,competency,respectability,honor,usefulness,and happiness. -All for which true men live or hope for in this life.

Is not too late to begin,is a new day,remember you are unique and can make it in life.use temperance today to achieve what you want by building your personality.