Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Tolerance helps to get what you want.

Tolerance stands high on the list of traits of a winning and pleasing personality.without tolerance,regardless of the number of other traits a person possesses,he could not possibly have a magnetic personality.
It has been suggested that "tolerance is open-mindedness on all subjects."0pen-mindedness implies "having a mind open to new ideals."Tolerance is not a willingness to change one's opinions but rather a recognition of the rights of others to have their own opinions. When we look at tolerance in this light we can plainly see that there is something we need not shun- we can live it and we can do more than that,we can encourage everyone should endeavour to apply tolerance daily, for us to have peaceful world.
Very few philosophy and authors have touched upon this subject today is found to be so lacking at all levels throughont the world.